Why Did I Choose to Use Astah/ Jude UML?
To set the records straight, my perception of UML (and the related tools) is as follows:
- I perceive UML as a standard modelling language to facilitate discussion, collaboration, and documentation
- I do not adhere strictly to the UML standards/ modelling constraints
- I am seldom interested in forward-engineering, code generation, MDA, etc.
I’ve used several UML modelling tools (and even the infamous, MS Visio) in the past. The common issues I had with many of these are:
- too much constraints that cannot be relaxed (e.g. very strict adherence to UML constraints/ rules/ profiles)
- too implementation/ platform specific
- too slow, too huge, memory-hogger
- too process-driven
- too code-driven
So far, I’ve found that Jude (and now, Astah) is able to meet most of my needs with some minor tweaks and improvements that I hope can be resolved soon (e.g. the tagged values should be displayed in the UML diagram)
In addition, there is even the mind-map feature added as a plus!
For more information, please visit: Astah