
Showing posts from August, 2023

Useful Hacks in Using Astah

MindMap Hack I've been using Astah (download here ) more recently for the MindMap feature and felt to share this wonderful "hack" with you. I jotted some points in NotePad and wish to quickly transfer them into Astah as a MindMap. The easiest way to retain the hierarchy is to use [TAB].  Therefore I could easily transform this Hierarchical List of Points Into Same List of Points in MindMap Here is how it's done: Select all text in NotePad (or equivalent) and Copy (Ctrl-C) Go to Astah and create a New MindMap Diagram Click on Mindmap0 or whatever existing topic and Paste (Ctrl-V) Like magic, the MindMap is created and the hierarchy is retained. UML Deployment Diagram You wish to draw professional-looking diagrams using AWS/ Azure icons. Is that possible & easy to do in Astah? AWS Deployment Believe it or not, the above is drawn in Astah!  Here is how it's done: Go to Tools -> Project Settings -> Set Icon for Stereotype (See Custom Icons for Stereotypes Di