To display the username in a Title column Choose Default value as Calculated Value; Type in: =REPLACE(Me,1,FIND("\",Me),""); For Team Discussion to work Subject field is used only in the first article within the thread; A web-part would mainly use the Subject and Replies fields for listing; Threaded view – which displays only Threading – is the only useful view; To sort a list by the abbreviated month Create a choice type for month input ([Report Mth]). The values should be the abbreviated month (e.g. Jan, Feb, Mar, etc); Create a calculated column to assign a numeric month to the list; The formulae should be: =MONTH("01-"&[Report Mth]&"-"&1990); To find the difference between 2 dates Use the DATEDIF function on 2 date fields DATEDIF(d1 : Date, d2: Date, “D”) : Number Example: DATEDIF(dateColumn, [Today], “D”) To convert a text value (from InfoPath) to numeric Create a calculated column of numeric type Apply