Excel & SharePoint


I needed to prepare an Excel file for importing into SharePoint.


  • First, I need an Excel formula to populate a short name (255 characters) from a much longer name ( found in "col").
  • The length of the short name is constrained by SharePoint's "single line of text" field.
  • The challenge is to find acronyms within col or if am acronym can't be found, to truncate col to 255 characters.
  • Example: 
GNU is Not Unix (GNU) => GNU
This is another name => This is another name
  • This is the formula to use. 
= IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("(";[col]));MID([col];FIND("(";[col]) + 1; FIND(")";[col]) - FIND("(";[col])-1);LEFT(CLEAN(TRIM([col]));255))

Importing into SharePoint

The only error free way to do this is to use Excel to export into SharePoint.
  • Create an Excel table and select it
  • Go to "table tools" tab and choose the "export table to SharePoint list" option within "export".


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